How to remove a website

  • A blocking robot.txt file in the top folder of a web server stops a robot like Google, which analyzes pages, from continuing. As a result, the search results are not refreshed;
  • To authorize for Google Search, you may need to re-register the web domain; just to clean up search results;
  • One page clean up:
    – Have an index.html file containing in the header: meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”;
    – Unblock in robots.txt;
    – Log in to Google Search to have the “noindex” html-page indexed.
  • Several pages clean up:
    – Use a plugin for a sitemap; update Google Search with your sitemap path;
    – Unblock in robots.txt not to block analysis;
    – Counteract search results in .htaccess with ‘Options -Indexes’;
    – Log in to Google Search to have only pages in the sitemap indexed and other search results cleaned up.
  • A rewrite in the .htaccess file, or a 301/302 redirect, to another web domain, may affect search results.